You must wondering why
on the earth that this small eyes Cynthia define her eyes as pretty, sexy and
beautiful. The worst is she's in a blogging contest. Lol! To be honest, I am
born with small eyes (inner double eyelid to be exact). So those
pretty, sexy and beautiful are too far NOT in my dictionary.
=( Nevertheless, I was given a chance to dream having a pretty, sexy and
beautiful eyes. What do you think eh?? Lol! (Scroll down to see how)
Whatever it is, it's not
important. The most important subject I would like to talk about is my
discovery of Mr.Lens! MrLens is the largest online contact lens
reseller in Switzerland and parts of Europe! They're going global and
has reach Asia which is now available in Malaysia too!!
MrLens are the largest online inventory of contact
lenses at the lowest price in Malaysia. When I said lowest
price, yes it is. My usual contact lens I bought are way cheaper about
RM25/box!! I am not lying as I've been to this particular lens for years and
very familiar with their pricing. You may check out from their website. And so
you got a loyal customer from now on Mr.Lens!! =D =D *wallet-smilling*
Hey if you have a
perfect eye sight, be proud of it ok. People like me have to stuck with the
geeky specs all my life. Or alternatively we may opt for lens or LASIK. (Regretted
that I did not listen to my mum during childhood time =p) I've
invested quite an amount on lens for ages. So it's a good news when MrLens
offer Free Delivery with purchase above RM50 within Klang
Valley*!! Wallet-friendly!! Woohoo~~
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Talking about delivery,
I was actually sent two boxes of lens from MrLens for review purposes. After
filling up my postage details and all, I was quite surprised that I received my
parcel the very next day!! O_o *Thumbs up*
That's not all, they
even come with Friends Recommendation Program.
You'll get RM5 for every
friend who buys lens from them and your friends will get RM5 too!! Just get
your friend to register with MrLens using the email I recommend and you'll get
the voucher!! So, if you need to buy lens please ask me to email you!! So we
both got the vouchers!! Sharing is caring =P
You must be wondering
what brands do they have. Look below:
Acuvue Tru Eyes, Acuvue Moist, Acuvue Oasys, Acuvue Oasys Astigmatism, Acuvue Define, Soflens 38, Soflens 59, Soflens Toric, Purevision 2, Purevision HD, Biomedics 38, Biomedics 55, Proclear, Definition, Focus Dailies Aqua Comfort, Focus Night & Day, Air Optix, Air Optix for Astigmatism, Freshlook One Day, Proclear 1 day, Sauflon Clariti 1 day, Soflens daily disposable, Acuvue 2, Acuvue Advance, Adore Dare, Adore Imagene, Adore Pure Eyes, Air Optix Multifocal, Biomedics 55 Evolution, Biomedics Toric, Blincon BB, Blincon Big Eyes, Blincon Classic, Blincon Elegance, Blincon Jazzy, Blincon Sweetie, Chameloen, Colorvue, Freshkon Alluring Eyes, Freshkon Color Fusion, Freshkon Dezigner, Freshkon Mosaic, Freshlook Colorblends, Maxim Color Blue, Maxim Colors Orange, Maxim Color Pink, Maxim Color Toric, Sauflon 55UV, Sauflon Bioclear, Saulfon Bioclear Toric, Sauflon Clear Comfort Aspheric, Soflens Multifoca and etc
Don't you find my new
little discovery of the shop awesome?? Good stuff must always be share isn't
it? So if you girls have any good stuff, remember to share me ya!! Haha
Back to our title, Pretty,
Sexy, Beautiful Eyes Blogging Contest are sponsored by MrLens with
collaboration with Plusizekitten. And I
am honored to be selected as one of the 30 participants in
this contest. With a pair of small eyes, two boxes of Freshlook
Colorblends, will this small eyes Cynthia achieve her dream to transform??
Stay tune for my review soon~~ =p Must support me ya!! *joking*