Dry skin appears when:
- A feeling of skin tightness, especially after showering/ washing face
- A loss of plumplness - skin will appears shrunken or dehydrated
- Slight to severe flaking, scaling or peeling
- Skin is dull in appearance
- Severe redness, inflamed areas in the skin
- Normal fine lines or wrinkles in skin will be more visible
- Normal fine lines or wrinkles in skin will be more visible
Cellnique has send me a product weeks ago to rescue my problems above. Cellnique Paramadical Intensive Hydrating Complex is one of the star products for dehydrated skin. Let's see how it works for me.
Cellnique Intensive Hydrating Complex, a lightweight formulation with high concentration of Hyaluronic Acid and Essential Amino Acids. Helps bind moisture to restore elasticity of the skin. It thereby minimizes the appearance of wrinkles and helps deliver an instant supple and smooth skin. [Source: Cellnique.com]

It stated that we need to use 6 drops into our face immediately after cleansing and toning. But 6 drops is too much for me, I think 3- 4 drops will be sufficient enough. It can be used on eyes area too and I found it more effective using for my eyes. (Maybe my eyes are too dry)

The serum comes in a 30ml bottle with a dropper (it reminds me of my experiment in science lab during school days) that helps to control the amount of the product use. I personally feel its quite hygenic if you don't touch the tip.
The hydrating complex works like a serum with hydrating properties. The crystal clear serum are fragrant-less and the texture is very light and watery. Once applied, spread on your palm and start massage on your face. During the process, I encountered some stickiness. But when it dries, the stickiness went off leaving my skin so smooth.

I've been using this serum for about 1 month. What I can say is that this product does keep my skin hydrated and firm during the past month. My face are quite hydrated because of the Hada Labo, therefore I don't really noticed the significant results but it definitely helps reducing my fine lines on my eyes area. Besides, it brightens my skin and keep my skin glowy all the time.
Here's some picture before and after:

Rating : 4/5
For those who has a very dry/ de-hydrated skin, I would definitely recommend you to try this. The only cons I found is that the price is quite steep RM189/ USD61 for 30ml. But don't frown yet. :D
For those who wouldn't want to fork out so much yet want to know its effectiveness, Cellnique is very generous in offering free samples of Intensive Hydrating Complex, 3ml to all of you. First 50 people who email them your full name, mailing/shipping address to fbfreesample@cellnique.com with the subject 'FB Cynthia' will get a free sample.
Have fun!